Counseling for Expats by an Expat
" Your Passport to Harmony while Globally Mobile"
Being an expatriate can be fun! Seeing new places,
trying exotic foods, and sending photos of famous
sites to envious friends back home....
But the life of an expat is not all glamour: there can
be loneliness away from the support of family and friends, frustration speaking a language not your own, and culture shock adapting to a different set of values and customs...
The ups and downs of expat life can cause havoc on
your relationships, your marriage and your whole life.
Serving couples, individuals and children, Expat Counseling Vienna helps clients change destructive behaviors and achieve harmony in their relationships and daily lives while globally mobile.
About Helen
Being an American born, seasoned expat myself I understand the stresses of
expat life.
Starting out as a 12 year old, I have lived and worked for several decades in many
countries (Russia, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Finland and former Czechoslovakia).
I have had private counseling practices in Amsterdam, Lausanne, Moscow and
now Vienna.
I understand the demands placed on people living in a country not their own. I
understand the struggles of Third Culture Kids, TCKs, I am one!
My clients are globally mobile. We work on issues that effect us most:
trailing spouse resentment, relationship conflict, raising Third Culture Kids, and
keeping a marriage strong while on the move.
My formal education consists of a Master's Degree in Marriage & Family Therapy,
and a Master's Degree in Cross Cultural Studies from California. I am a
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, and a Marriage & Family Therapist,
MFT. In Austria I am a "Lebens und Sozialberaterin".
What sets me apart from a lot of counselors are my treatment plans that keep
clients on a systematic, results-oriented approach to change.
I have put together a focused, short term program to help clients achieve their
goals quickly, even after 3-4 visits. ​I strive to help my clients see changes right
away, not months from now.
As a mother, I understand the difficulties parents face raising children in
Vienna today. I know about both the local services and the lack of resources here.
I am able to offer support to parents of children with autism, special needs,
developmental delays, high IQ and gifted children.